Electives and Enrichment
St. Mary Catholic School offers a variety of enrichment classes where students can learn how to positively grow their interests and skills to have a more robust understanding of their potential. Educational Enrichment programs strive to enrich the students' by requiring them to use their imagination and creativity and increase knowledge of the concepts that were introduced in their core classes.

The St. Mary School Library/ Media Center offers students and staff the opportunity to be effective users of ideas and information in all formats.
Our Library/Media Center provides instruction to stimulate interest in reading and using information and ideas. Our librarian works with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.

Journalism classes follow the Media Literacy and Newspaper, Become a Journalist, and Go to Press curriculums for middle school students provided by the Newspaper Association of America.
Journalism 1 is designed to introduce students to what it means to practice journalism. Students gain an understanding of the 1st Amendment, how it affects us as citizens, and how it affects journalism. Students explore journalistic ethics, writing news, features, sports, and editorial articles.
Journalism 2 students continue to develop writing and publishing skills, work on graphic design and team project work. Students produce The Falcon Flyer to be enjoyed by the St. Mary School community.
In Yearbook 8, which consists of 2 nine week long classes, students study yearbook layouts, interview etiquette, photojournalism, double page spreads and other class related concepts. Students use Balfour's proprietary software program to create the St. Mary School yearbook.